Gym Marine has been awarded an exclusive contract to outfit BP’s fleet of oil and gas carriers with on board gyms, helping BP to execute its ongoing commitment to crew welfare.

With strong roots in the commercial fitness industry, Gym Marine is expanding after securing a number of global supply contracts with offshore procurement firms and drilling platforms earlier this year. The BP contract award is the final whistle blast signalling the company’s official arrival into the commercial shipping market.

As an exclusive supplier, Gym Marine will be designing and installing bespoke gyms on BP’s new-build oil and gas carriers in addition to the refurbishment of gyms in its existing fleet.

Given the space restraints and unique demands of life at sea, BP was wise to choose a specialist company for the installation and refurbishment of its gyms.

Edward Thomas, Gym Marine’s founding Director explained:

“We have two areas of expertise here at Gym Marine: a pedigree in fitness coupled with proven experience in the maritime field. BP chose GM because we are able to expertly combine those skills to create unique and cost-effective solutions for companies operating in the offshore and commercial shipping industries.

Our designs for BP’s on-board gyms include lots of clever, space saving equipment like PowerBlock Dumbbells, compact treadmills and custom made Multigyms to accommodate low ceiling heights.”

BP’s renewed investment in its crew gyms is all part of its long term sustainability strategy. A workforce’s success comes from the energy of its people, and crew welfare remains an integral part of the energy giant’s commitment to safety and operational excellence.

Under International Crew Welfare Regulations, shipping companies like BP are obliged to provide recreational facilities for their seafaring workforce. A dedicated exercise space is an important part of this, but an on board gym serves a much deeper purpose too.

It is well proven that regular exercise can help to maintain physical and psychological condition, promote good sleep, mitigate fatigue and also prevent work-related injuries. For seafarers, a dedicated gym provides essential access to an active lifestyle, allowing them to maintain good health despite being miles away from shore. The resulting benefits, particularly with regard to improved alertness and performance, are a crucial safety factor at sea.

For more information on the impact of regular exercise on crew welfare and ship safety, please visit our welfare section.

To read more about Gym Marine’s work with BP Shipping, see our case study.